Targeted Employee Engagement

    Willful Endurers

    Willful Endurers live in the “here and now” and believe there are more important things to focus on than improving their health for the future.


    Willful Endurers are not necessarily unhealthy, but they do what they like, when they like, and are less likely to change their habits. They are self-reliant and can withstand anything life throws at them, going to the doctor only when they absolutely must.

    Willful Endurers

    Self Achievers

    Self Achievers are the most proactive when it comes to their wellness, investing what is necessary toward their health and appearance.


    Self Achievers may actually have health issues, but they stay on top of them with regular medical check-ups, health screenings, and research. They are task oriented, and will tackle a challenge if they are given measurable goals.

    Self Achievers

    Priority Jugglers

    Priority Jugglers are very busy with many responsibilities. Because of all these responsibilities, Priority Jugglers may not take the time to invest in their own wellbeing and are reactive when it comes to health issues.


    However, Priority Jugglers are very proactive when it comes to their family’s health and will make sure their loved ones receive the care they need.

    Priority Jugglers

    Balance Seekers

    Balance Seekers are generally proactive in their health and are wellness-oriented. Balance Seekers are open to many ideas, sources of information, and treatment options when it comes to their healthcare.


    However, Balance Seekers themselves – not healthcare professionals -- define what success looks like in their health. Physicians and other healthcare professionals are useful resources, but not the only resources, for leading a healthy life.

    Balance Seekers

    Direction Takers

    Direction Takers believe their physician is the most credible resource for their healthcare needs. Direction Takers like to “cut to the chase” and do not like to be asked a lot of questions; they look to their physician and other healthcare professionals for direction and guidance because of their expertise and credentials.


    Direction Takers are more likely to go to the doctor at the first sign of health concerns. However, they may not always follow a physician’s advice – not because they disagree with his/her recommendations, but because it is often difficult to work these recommendations into their routine.

    Direction Takers