



Creating a better benefits experience, one customized communication at a time.



# of Emails Sent in 2023

low unsubscribed rates

Average of 0.1%



Average Email Open-Rate

115% higher than

Industry Average



Average Email Click-Rate

358% higher than

Industry Average



# of Texts Sent in 2023

low opt-out rates

Average of 0.6%

Our Services



Benefits Website ▼

Our Benefits Enrollment Websites are your employees’ go-to resource for all of their benefits and enrollment details. These “microsites” allow employees to access the key enrollment information from their smartphone, work computer, or personal device.

Visit Sample Website

Text Messages ▼

Text messages are an efficient way to communicate with employees quickly, and they are more likely to be read than emails.

Sample Text Message

Text messages help ensure that employees are aware of open enrollment and the deadlines for making changes to their benefits. This can help avoid confusion and ensure that employees have the information they need to make informed decisions. 


Emails ▼

Mobile-friendly emails provide comprehensive information about benefits options and links to useful resources. Emails help ensure that employees have access to all the information they need to make informed decisions.

Emails also serve as a record of benefits communication, which can be helpful for both employers and employees in the future.

  • Custom from name and email
  • Audience segmentation
  • Enhanced reporting and analytics
    •  Custom fields and automation
    •  Employee behavior
    •  Top-clicked links

View Sample Email

Benefit Guides ▼

The Employee Benefits Guide is your single source document for the information your employees need to make informed decisions about their benefits for themselves and their families.

View Sample Benefits Guide

Printed Materials ▼

Even in this digital era, the importance of traditional, print marketing methods remains unchanged.

  • Can include QR code, driving employees to online resources, including the microsite
  • Provides an extra boost you need to educate employees
  • 56% of customers find print marketing to be the most trustworthy type of marketing*

*DMR, Business Statistics

Life-Size Cutouts ▼

Using life-size cutouts for employee benefits open enrollment can be a fun and creative way to engage employees in the process.

Life-Size Cutout Sample

Life-size cutouts are eye-catching and attention-grabbing, which can help increase employee engagement with the open enrollment process. Employees may be more likely to stop and take notice of a life-size cutout than a standard email or memo.

Videos ▼

Research shows that many people prefer to learn and engage via video. EOI provides educational videos to ensure we reach these visual learners.

  • Visually tells a story
  • Engaging and attention more than reading
  • Complements print materials

Comprehensive Reporting

View Communications Recap Report


QR Codes

QR codes can be used to provide quick access to information without the need for manual entry of web addresses or URLs.

QR codes can be used to track user behavior and provide valuable analytics, such as the number of scans, time of day, and location.

Benefits Website Analytics

Each microsite is set up with Google Analytics to be able to real-time report on the number of users, location, and which communication piece has brought them to the website. 



Email Analytics

  • Open rate: the percentage of people who opened your email out of the people who were delivered your email. An email open is counted when the images in the email load, or when the user clicks on a link in the email even if the images do not load.
  • Click rate: the percentage of people who clicked a link in your email out of the people who were delivered your email.
  • Click-through rate: the percentage of people who clicked a link in your email out of the number of people who opened your email.

Let's talk!

Please fill out the form and one of our team members will reach out to you to schedule a time to connect. We look forward to discussing how we can support you and your clients!