

Sample Total Rewards


To help employees understand the value of their benefits, Total Reward Statements (TRS) are one of the most powerful tools an employer can provide. TRS are a tangible, written document that visually illustrate the full value of an employee’s compensation and benefit package. TRS provide a reassuring picture to employees of a company’s financial commitment to them.

EOI has a spectrum of services to assist you with developing your TRS initiative. We have found that Total Reward messaging oftentimes goes unnoticed or underappreciated by employees who may not fully understand the reports. The focus of our strategy is to promote the value of the benefits you offer by:

  • Designing Custom Total Reward Statements that are easy to understand
  • Providing supplementary communication materials, including counselor assisted delivery methods
  • Explaining the value of all benefits, including features and plan options
  • Communicating the cost to the employer in providing the benefits
  • Educating employees how to best use their benefit programs

Sample Total Rewards Statements

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Total Rewards Sample #1

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Total Rewards Sample #2

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Total Rewards Sample #3

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Total Rewards Sample #4

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Total Rewards Sample #5

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Sample TRS Supplemental Wrap-Around Flyer

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Sample Total Rewards Microsite

Sample Recruitment Materials

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Sample Candidate Recruitment Statement

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Sample Recruitment Microsite

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Sample Recruitment Flyer