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Your 2025 Benefits

We are pleased to offer a comprehensive benefits program, that offers you choice and flexibility, so you can take charge of your physical, financial, and emotional well-being. For detailed information about each of the benefits plans and programs available to you and your family, please click on the down arrow for each benefit listed below.


Medical ▼

Administered by BlueCross BlueShield of Florida

Medical Plan Options:

  • TGH EPO Plan
  • TGH HSA Plan
  • TGH Out of Area HSA Plan
  • TGH Out of Area EPO Plan
  • TGH POS Plan*

TGH offers medical plans that provide you with comprehensive coverage with low out-of-pocket costs. Each plan gives you maximum flexibility with these important features in common:

  • Direct access to network physicians
  • Care coordination
  • Health education and wellness programs
  • Urgent care centers

Click on the button below for a brief look at the various details of your medical plans. For more information, please contact BlueCross BlueShield of Florida of the TGH Benefits Department for a Summary Plan Description.

Features include:

  • No primary care physician requirement—you can visit any network physician you choose and directly access network specialists without any referral
  • An emphasis on wellness—annual physical, well-woman, mammograms and/or well-child examinations are covered at 100%
  • No claim forms to fill out or hospital notification required
  • Protection against paying amounts over the usual and customary (U&C) charge—so you do not have to worry about paying more than you expected
  • A vision care benefit that helps with the cost of eye exams (once every 24 months)
  • An unlimited lifetime maximum to safeguard against the cost of a major illness or injury

Medical Plan Options

Medical Bi-weekly Premiums


BCBSFL Online Tools

BCBSFL Mobile App

How to Find a Provider

Breast Pump Flyer

Malloy Medicare Advisors

Amazon Pharmacy Flyer

*Frozen Grandfathered Plan. No new enrollments.


Color Health ▼

Cancer screening and care isn’t black and white. Explore the full spectrum of support with Color. Sign up for your free benefit at This benefit is available to all employees, spouses, and dependents over the age of 18 on TGH's BCBS of FL health plan.

Want to know your risk for certain cancers or need help getting screenings?
Color will create a personalized risk assessment and screening plan for you. They’ll help get screenings done – from at-home screenings for cervical, prostate, and colorectal cancer to scheduling in-person screenings like mammograms and colonoscopies on your behalf.

Currently undergoing treatment for cancer?
Color’s team of experts can schedule appointments on your behalf, act as an additional resource and opinion, and manage your care holistically - including providing you with resources to manage your mental well-being and nutrition and support your loved ones who are supporting you.

Previously had cancer?
Color will help you stay on top of your unique screening needs - in-person and at home. Color’s team of doctors, care advocates, and nutritionists will help you reduce your risk of cancer and live a healthy, well-rounded life.

Caring for a loved one with cancer?
Color’s peer support groups can help you learn how to care for yourself as a caregiver, better understand what your loved one is going through, and develop skills for coping and caring.

At-Home Cancer Screening Intro

At-Home Cancer Screening Flyer

At-Home Cancer Screening Overview



Dental ▼

Administered by Delta Dental

Healthy teeth and gums are an important part of a healthy life. Regular trips to the dentist play a role in maintaining your overall health. You can choose from two Delta Dental plan options - PPO High or The Copay Plan.

Only the PPO High Plan includes orthodontic coverage. However, both plans give you the choice of in- or out-of-network dental care. Both plans feature two network options: Delta Dental PPO and Delta Dental Premier. 

Your dental plan options are:

  • PPO High Plan
  • The Copay Plan

Learn More

PPO High Plan Summary

The Copay Plan Summary

Copay Plan Copay Schedule

How to File a Claim

Claim Form

Save With a PPO Dentist

Online Account Registration

Online Account Details

Support for Chronic Conditions


Vision ▼

Administered by EyeMed

EyeMed vision coverage provides America’s largest vision network with the right mix of independent eye doctors and national and regional retail providers—so members can go where they want when they want. Members can choose an eye care professional from their network of over 26,932 locations and 119,687 provider access points. You can also use your EyeMed benefits to shop at your favorite in-network, online eyewear stores, like LensCrafters, Target Optical, Ray-Ban, Oakley,, and ContactsDirect.

Vision Plan Features:

  • Fully-covered exams and select lens options through in-network eye care professionals
  • Discounts are provided for additional lens options
  • A robust network of eye care professionals
  • Plan includes coverage for both glasses and contact lenses each year

EyeMed Member Tools

EyeMed Member Web Portal

EyeMed Mobile App

Find an In-network Provider

EyeMed Online Providers

EyeMed Know Before You Go Tool

EyeMed Special Offers

EyeMed Member FAQs


Flexible Spending Account (FSA) ▼

Administered by My Health Equity

Do you want to keep more of your money? Then consider using the tax savings FSAs can give you. FSAs can help you save money because they give you a tax break on certain types of health care and work-related daycare expenses. Paying with tax-free dollars keeps more money in your pocket.

How These Accounts Work
You can open:

  • Health Care Spending Account
  • Limited Purpose Flexible Spending Account
  • Dependent Care Spending Account

Here is an overview of how these accounts work:

  • You decide how much you want to deposit during the calendar year. From a minimum of $260 annually, up to the 2025 IRS maximum of $3,300 for an HCFSA or LPFSA. The DCFSA maximum annual contribution is $5,000.
  • HCFSA or LPFSA funds can be used for expenses incurred through the end of the benefit plan year, the date of separation or benefit ineligibility, whichever comes first.
  • The money you contribute is automatically deducted from your pay before Federal and Social Security taxes are taken out. This money is deposited directly into the spending account(s) you have selected.

The advantages of these accounts are:

  • Eligible expenses are tax-free
  • More disposable income, because you keep some of the money that would normally go toward your federal income and Social Security taxes
  • Convenience, because your deposits are made through payroll deduction

Learn More

HCFSA Overview

LPFSA Overview

DCFSA Overview



Health Savings Account (HSA) ▼

Administered by My Health Equity

HSAs require enrollment in an HSA-qualified (or high-deductible) health plan. In addition, HSAs stay with you forever and funds never expire.

  • Use tax-free money to pay for qualified medical expenses
  • No 'use-it-or-lose-it,' keep your HSA forever
  • Enjoy higher contribution limits
  • Invest your HSA tax-free, like a 401(k)

Learn More

HSA Overview



Disability ▼

Administered by Lincoln Financial Group

Short-Term Disability
Although most people worry more about long-term disabilities, a short illness or injury can also cause financial hardship. That is why TGH offers Short-Term Disability (STD) options through Lincoln Financial Group. STD is a financial safeguard that you may want to consider for your benefits picture.

TGH provides you with STD coverage at no cost to you. You will receive coverage for up to 60% of your weekly base pay with a maximum benefit of $750 weekly for up to 26 weeks. You can also elect buy-up additional STD coverage of 66 2/3% of your weekly base pay with an aggregate maximum benefit of $1,500 a week for up to 24 weeks. Pre-existing condition limitations apply to the buy-up STD benefit only.

Learn More

Plan Summary

How to File a Claim

TravelConnect Flyer


Long-Term Disability
TGH offers Long-Term Disability (LTD) coverage through Lincoln Financial Group to protect you financially in case you become disabled.

LTD pays 66 2/3% of your base pay up to a monthly maximum of $10,000, has a 180-day waiting period before benefits are paid, and benefits are paid until retirement age, typically 65 years of age. This is a voluntary benefit that you must actively elect to have coverage. You pay for this plan with after-tax dollars through convenient payroll deductions.

Learn More

Plan Summary

TravelConnect Flyer


Life Insurance ▼

Administered by Lincoln Financial Group

To design the life insurance benefit that fits your lifestyle, ask yourself how much money your family would need to live on if something happened to you, and how long they would need it. TGH provides you with two (2) times your annual base pay of core life insurance at no cost to you. But what if you need more protection? And how do you decide how much is enough? Because it is important to have the right amount of protection, TGH offers additional life insurance.

How Much Life Insurance Should You Purchase?
The right amount of life insurance protection can help your loved ones avoid having to drastically alter their lifestyle to cope with financial obligations if you die prematurely. You should estimate how much your family may need for:

  • Funeral expenses
  • The mortgage
  • Car loans
  • Credit card and other debt
  • Education for your children
  • Retirement for your spouse

As a general rule of thumb, some experts say you will need six to eight times your annual gross income in life insurance, but everyone’s needs differ.

Learn More

Basic Life Plan Summary

Optional Life Plan Summary

LifeKeys Flyer


Retirement ▼

Administered by Corebridge Financial

Defined Contribution Retirement plan is a 403(b) Plan

How can I enroll in the 403(b) Plan?
To encourage participation, all team members will be automatically enrolled at 2% pre-tax of your pay unless you opt out of the plan.

What type of contributions can be made to the 403(b) Plan?
Team members can contribute a whole percentage amount of their pre-tax pay. You can start or stop your contributions at any time. Team Members can also contribute on an after-tax basis with the Roth 403(b) option.

Will TGH contribute to eligible team member’s 403(b) plan?
TGH will contribute via an employer match: 100% of the first 4% of salary you contribute to the plan and 50% of the next 2% of salary you contribute to the plan.

When am I eligible for the TGH matching contributions?
TGH will begin matching your 403(b) plan contributions on the first pay period after you attain 21 years of age and complete 12 months of service in which you work 1,000 hours or more. TGH matching contribution is immediately vested at 100%.

Learn More

403(b) New Hire Kit

403(b) Plan Highlights

Q1 Financial Webinar Series

TGH Specific Retirement Webinars

Generic Retirement Webinars


Accrued Time Off (ATO) ▼

Anytime during the year, team members who are in the traditional time-off system can transfer to the ATO system. Forms are available in the TGH Benefits Department.

Important ATO Information
As a regular full- or part-time team member who is budgeted to work 16 hours or more per week, you are eligible to accrue and use ATO hours based on the ATO policy.

  • You are eligible to use your earned ATO after 90 days of employment.
  • Your accrual is based on hours paid to a maximum of 80 hours per pay period, your team member status, whether you are management or nonmanagement, and your tenure.
  • ATO hours are to substitute for time not worked, resulting in wages not being earned. Examples are vacation, holiday, and sick time.
  • ATO hours used for vacation, holiday, and sick time are paid at 100% of their value. Team members cannot use or cash in ATO hours during their first 90 days of employment.
  • The use of ATO hours is mandatory for time off, except where prohibited by law.
  • Team members may, but do not have to, use their ATO time if they are required to take time off due to temporary/short-term cancellation of shifts; or being sent home early due to hospital-initiated reasons, such as low census, or facility/environmental circumstances.
  • Eligible team members can accrue up to a maximum of 480 hours of ATO.

Learn More


Medicare ▼

Have Medicare Questions? We have a resource for that...

Tampa General Hospital has partnered with Malloy Medicare Advisors to help address your concerns regarding Medicare. Malloy Medicare Advisors is a free resource for anyone aging into or eligible for Medicare. Malloy Medicare Advisors are a national company ready to answer your Medicare questions wherever you reside.

When you contact MalloyMedicare Advisors, you will be given a thorough education on Medicare. A licensed agent will guide you through the different parts of Medicare and answer your questions/concerns.

Learn More


AD&D Insurance ▼

Administered by Lincoln Financial Group

Unfortunately, accidents can happen to just about anyone. In fact, today the main causes of death, aside from heart disease and cancer, are accidents. These facts are not meant to worry you. Rather, they are meant to help you decide whether you should add Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) insurance to your benefits picture. AD&D insurance protects you and your family financially in the event of your accidental death or loss of a limb.

You can choose among these three AD&D insurance options:

  • $50,000
  • $100,000
  • $200,000

Learn More

Plan Summary

TGPN_Icons16 Backup Dependent Care ▼

TGPN has partnered with to provide team members with 10 sessions per year of Backup Dependent Care. Through, team members can book up to 10 sessions of back-up care, at no charge, for their dependents when their regular caregiver is unavailable. Additionally, team members have access to the full platform for additional services and discount offerings. Please click here for more information and to enroll.

Program Overview

LifeMart Discounts


Critical Illness ▼

Administered by Lincoln Financial Group

When you think about your family, have any of them experienced a heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, or life threatening cancer? If you answered yes, then you understand the emotional and financial impact a critical illness can have on your hard earned savings. 

The good news is that the TGH group voluntary critical illness product pays a lump sum benefit to each covered person at the time of diagnosis. This benefit can be used to help meet expenses that are not normally covered under traditional health insurance. This means you and your family can concentrate on getting well, without having to worry about having enough money to cover the bills.

Should you experience one of several life changing illnesses that would likely require you to be unable to work for an extended period of time, this policy would pay you either $10,000, $20,000 or $30,000, depending on which option you choose.

All plans include a $100 wellness benefit and a recurrence benefit.

The policy benefit amount includes:

  • Heart Attack – 100% of face value
  • Heart Transplant -100% of face value
  • Stroke- 100% of face value
  • Coronary Artery By-Pass -25% of face value
  • Major Organ Transplant (other than heart) – 100% of face value
  • End Stage Renal Failure – 100% of face value
  • Paralysis (not as a result of stroke) – 100% of face value
  • Advanced Alzheimer’s Disease – 25% of face value
  • Advanced Parkinson’s Disease – 25% of face value
  • Invasive Cancer – 100% of face value
  • Carcinoma in Situ – 25% of face value

Plan Summary

Critical Illness Claim Form

Health Assessment Benefit Claim Form



Accident Insurance ▼

Administered by Lincoln Financial Group

Since accidents can happen at any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, it’s important to prepare for the unexpected. Accident insurance through Lincoln Financial Group helps you pay for out-of-pocket expenses associated with an accident by paying you a benefit depending on the injuries you suffer and the treatment you receive. You can use the money as you see fit, whether to pay for expenses associated with your accident, like a trip to the emergency room, or to pay for childcare so you can get to the doctor for a follow-up visit. The policy is designed to work in conjunction with your medical plan as benefits are paid on top of what your health insurance may cover and can be used at your own discretion.

Accident insurance provides extra money to help make ends meet and manage medical costs and keep your savings intact. The plan consists of a variety of benefits that can help cover you and your family from accident and medical expenses and hospital expenses due to accidents. Coverage is 100% portable at the same rates, should you change employment.

Every year that you complete a qualified health screening, you and your covered dependent(s) are eligible for a $75 Wellness Benefit.

Plan Summary

Accident Claim Form

 Health Assesment Benefit Claim Form



Hospital Indemnity ▼

Administered by Lincoln Financial Group

Hospital Indemnity Insurance through Lincoln Financial Group can reduce the financial and emotional stress of a hospital stay by providing a lump sum cash benefit directly to you that can be used however you need, whether for deductibles, coinsurance, or even child care expenses.

Plan Features:

  • Every year that you complete a qualified health screening, you and your covered dependent(s) are eligible for a $50 Wellness Benefit
  • No medical history is required for coverage to be issued
  • Coverage available for spouse and eligible dependents
  • Fully Portable: You can keep your coverage even if you change jobs or retire

Plan Summary

Hospital Indemnity Claim Form

Health Assesment Benefit Claim Form



LifeTime Benefit Term Insurance with Long-Term Care Coverage ▼

Administered by Chubb

LifeTime Benefit Term Insurance with Long-Term Care Coverage through Chubb is a guarantee premium term life insurance plan. The plan features premiums guaranteed for life and coverage for qualified Long-Term Care expenses like nursing home, assisted living, or home care. LifeTime Benefit Term provides money to your family at death, and while you are living too, if you need home health care, assisted living, or nursing care. The plan builds paid-up death benefit values after 10 years, so if you decide to stop paying premiums at some point in the future, you are guaranteed paid-up coverage of a reduced amount.

This plan is 100% portable when you leave TGH at the same coverage and premium contribution. The plan has a unique Long Term Care feature that pays 4% of the current death benefit amount payable each month for up to 50 months. During your new hire enrollment period only, you can elect up to $150,000 of LifeTime Benefit Term Insurance with Long Term Care coverage without answering medical questions unless you’ve previously been denied coverage. Coverage is also available for spouses and children.

Learn More

Cancellation Form



Pet Insurance ▼

Administered by PetPartners

If you’re a pet parent, your fur babies are an important part of your family, bringing comfort, joy, and unconditional love. In return, you do the best you can to take care of them. Tampa General Hospital is offering two plans for you to choose from:

  • Accident and Illness - covers accidents and illnesses and more serious conditions that pets can develop during their lifetime that may require continuous care. 

  • Accident/Illness & Wellness - Along with covering Accidents and Illnesses, our Wellness coverage reimburses you for your pets annual checkups, spay and neutering, micro-chipping and more.

Pet Insurance Overview

Pet Insurance Brochure

How to File a Claim

What is Prior Coverage Credit?




Identity Theft Protection ▼

Administered by Aura through MetLife

Aura keeps your identity safe with extensive monitoring of your personal info, accounts, IDs, and more, and will let you know if any of your online accounts, passwords, or personal information have been compromised. Aura will also monitor your Social Security Number and personal information for bank fraud, including unauthorized wire transfers, new bank account openings, and more. 

Services include:

  • Credit Application Alerts
  • Lost Wallet Protection
  • Address Change Verification
  • Black Market Website Surveillance
  • $1 Million Total Service Guarantee
  • Court Record Scanning
  • Unauthorized Payday Loan Notifications
  • Checking and Saving Account Application Alerts
  • Enhanced Credit Application Alerts
  • And more!

ID Theft - Overview

ID Theft - FAQs



Legal Aid ▼

Administered by MetLife

All benefit eligible team members are eligible to enroll in our Legal Plan. The plan is voluntary and covers all dependents in the household for one low price. Your legal plan gives you easy access to experienced attorneys for an unlimited number of personal legal matters. When you use a network attorney for covered services, all attorney fees are paid for by your legal plan.

Did you know that you can enjoy MetLife Legal Plans benefits, even if you’ve retired or ended your employment? MetLife now offers portable, individual legal plans that you can take with you if life takes you in a different direction. To learn more about an individual legal plan, visit or click here to learn more.

Learn More

Legal Plans - FAQs

Legal Plans - Caregiving

Legal Plans - Driving

Legal Plans - Adoption

Legal Plans - Estate Planning

Legal Plans - Buying a Home

Legal Plans - Financial Wellness

Legal Plans - How to Use



Employee Assistance Program ▼

Administered by GuidanceResources

Everyone needs help sometimes solving problems. Your wellbeing, productivity and happiness depend on balancing your life at home and your life at work. We recognize that it’s difficult to be on task at work when you are worrying about problems at home, and you can’t devote sufficient time to yourself and your family if you’re feeling overwhelmed by the demands of your job. Your benefits package includes the EAP at no cost to you.

How do I get started?
To get started, visit, download the GuidanceNow mobile app, or call 888-628-4824.

  • Login credentials:
    • Username: LFGSupport
    • Password: LFGSupport1

Employee Assistance Program Flyer

Employee Assistance Program Mobile App

Employee Assistance Program Overview

Employee Assistance Wallet Card


Tava Mental Health Service ▼

Tava Mental Health Service is a free mental health benefit available to all full-time and part-time team members, their spouses, and dependent children (ages 13-25). The benefit provides up to 12 free sessions annually with licensed clinicians through Tava’s secure, web-based technology platform.

  • No claims, no co-pays, no deductibles. You and your dependents will have 12 sessions (per person per year) completely covered.
  • Self-scheduled online video sessions.
  • Your identity and anything you discuss is confidential.
  • Quality care from quality therapists.

Schedule your first appointment today at

TAVA Overview

TAVA Flyer

Late Cancellation & No-Show Policies



Team Member Wellness Reward Program ▼

Administered by Community Health and Wellness

The Community Health and Wellness team is here to support you in improving your health and wellbeing. They offer programs related to healthy eating, chronic condition management, self-care, and more! 
The team has partnered with Personify Health to offer an online wellness reward program where you can track healthy habits, participate in various challenges, and learn more about wellness offerings on the Events Calendar.  Ways to earn points include syncing your fitness tracker, completing an evidence-based wellness program, and volunteering.  Points translate into wellness cash and can be redeemed as electronic gift cards, items from the online store, direct deposit to your bank account, or as a charitable donation.  
Participate and get daily inspiration, experience the rewards of making healthy choices, and earn over $100 per quarter!  Visit or download the Virgin Pulse mobile app to register.  

Please note that on January 1, 2025, Virgin Pulse will change to Personify Health.



Team Member Discount Program ▼

Tampa General Hospital's Savings Marketplace - Start Saving Now!

Your work-life balance and general well-being are as important to us as the work you contribute. That's why we’re excited to offer your savings marketplace, your one-stop shop for exclusive and convenient savings on the products, services, and experiences you know and love. 

It’s cost-free and easy to enroll. Just visit and begin saving today on items like:

  • Electronics 
  • Appliances 
  • Theme Parks 
  • Hotels 
  • Movie Tickets 
  • Rental Cars 
  • Gift Cards 
  • Apparel 
  • Cars 
  • Flowers 
  • Fitness Memberships 
  • Groceries 
  • Special Events 
  • And More! 

Enrollment Flyer

Savings Marketplace Flyer

Helpful Resources

2025 Benefits Guide ▼

2025 Benefit Guide

Contact Information ▼

Contact Information

What is a qualifying life event? ▼

Certain coverages allow limited changes to your benefit elections during the year. These benefits include the Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, Disability and AD&D. For these benefits, you may only make changes to your elections during the year if you have a qualifying life event.

Qualifying life events include:

  • Change in legal marital status, including marriage, divorce, death of a spouse, legal separation, or annulment
  • Change in number of children, including birth, adoption, placement of adoption, or death of a child
  • Change in employment status of employee, spouse, or dependent, including termination or commencement of employment, commencement or return from unpaid leave of absence
  • Change in dependent eligibility status, including attainment of age, student status, or any similar circumstance

The change to your benefit elections must be consistent with the qualifying life event. You have 31 days from the qualifying life event to request your enrollment change in bswift and provide supporting documentation to the Benefits Department. If you do not take action within 31 days of your qualifying life event, you must wait until the next annual enrollment period to make a change to your elections.

Did you have a qulifying life event?

Certification of Domestic Partnership ▼

View Domestic Partnership Certificate

Summary Plan Description ▼